Yes, yes, I know there are assessments that people live in that life will be perfect when… when "this problem" and "that problem" and "so many problems" is/are handled such that often people spend their time, their precious living time, wanting to and having to "fix" so that they will get to "life will be perfect." However, I'm going to ask you to "try on," like you would try a new hat on in a store to see if it fits, that "life is perfect."
Right now this is the life you are living. So how, pray tell, can it be anything other than perfect? This is where you will start designing the rest of your life. You have the opportunity to say whatever you wish to say, be it something of power, or beauty, or sadness, or anger, or disgust, or just plain joy. You have the opportunity to make the choices you make regardless of what others think you "should" do or "have to" say about it or any other nonsense that might get in the way of designing your life from now forward that life is perfect.
This is your perfect life. How will you choose to design it? How will you choose to shift who you are being such that life shows up as perfect? It's not up to Mom or Dad. It's not up to your boss, your teacher, your fellow employees, your friends. It's not up to your partner. Guess who gets to choose your life. Bravo! It's YOU!! You are the one that gets to come from life is perfect - right now - and you get to choose… "x" …or maybe choose "y." What's it going to be?
Okay, say you're 58 years old, and you've been laid off a job, and you have a bad cold, and your partner is mad at you, and all you want to do is scream to the world, "It's not fair!!" Is life perfect? Absolutely!
Being 58 years old. Wow. However, let's take a look. That is coming into the age of wisdom, where you are able to draw on your legacy and make choices based on what you have observed in your life up till now.
Having been laid off, you can now choose where next you wish to focus your intentions and how about on your passions? Oftentimes people default into a job or career, and it's not necessarily what they wanted to do when they were young and people asked them, "What do you want to do when you grow up?" Granted, you may have to adjust a few things and decrease spending to match what you can afford; however, think of what opportunities you can now design living from life is perfect.
You know you will get better if you care for your cold with responsibility. All it takes is lots of fluids, vitamins, cleanliness, and rest.
Your partner is mad at you. Okay, this one I ask you to think from that new hat perspective that our assessments often choose for us and we let them. With a partner mad at you, what assessments are you living from that can get in the way of life is perfect with your partner? How about this one… my partner is mad at me and that's okay!
"But," you say, "how about me screaming at the world, it's not fair?" That too, is perfect. I say an emotion expressed allows the emotion to dissipate. Not the truth, just another way to look at emotions. Say the emotion fear comes up, or perhaps frustration, or how about the mood helplessness, or hopelessness, that has you want to shout "it's not fair!"? I say that's perfect. Well, what's perfect is to shout it if it is calling out to be shouted, and we are responsible about our shouting. In other words, I find the perfect place for me to shout out my frustrations or anger or upsets are while sitting inside my car, with the window down, driving down the freeway. What a perfect place in my perfect life to express those emotions that wouldn't necessarily be acceptable nor responsible inside my home (unless it's into a pillow), or my work place or a movie theater. In my perfect life, it works for me to express those emotions driving down the freeway. It's brilliant if I say so myself as I am then able to observe the fear, frustration, helplessness or hopelessness and choose to "be at cause" in my life.
To me, life is perfect. This has been just a tiny view from my perspective. I wouldn't want it any other way. Living in life is perfect allows me to look at each of my fellow human beings as the perfect people with which to interact and since I absolutely love my fellow human beings, how perfect it is that they come into my life.
Patricia Hirsch, MBA, Master Certified Coach
Chief Empowerment Officer with Design Your Life Coaching
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